To you and yours, I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
I hope you choose to spend your day with those you love, be it family, friends, or yourself, and find that your spirit is caught in a perpetual state of bliss. You are a wonderful person, deserving nothing less than the wondrous things this season can bring. Let yourself be free to live, love, and be merry on this awesome day!
Thank you for being you, and Merry Christmas once more!
As always, very Much Love!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Couple Announcements....
Hello Ladies and Gents!
Suffice it to say, I've been gone from the blogosphere for awhile now...about 45 days, actually. It's also been over a month since I've uploaded anything on YouTube.
Yeah...I'm a slacker.
I'm back though, and while I would love to stay awhile and chat, I've only got enough time to make a couple announcements.
First of all, while I've been a little lax in my blogging and videography efforts, I haven't fallen off the proverbial wagon. Indeed, eating has been (as it has always been) a challenge for me. It seems the more active I am, the more I crave sustinance. Unfortunately though, the sustinance I usually indulge with is that of the junk food variety, be it cookies, cake, chips, or ice cream. In fact, I've got 1.5 quarts of Egg Nog flavored ice cream sitting in my freezer as we speak, and a bag of Hot Cocoa Creme flavored Hershey's Kisses sitting on the counter. For the most part however, I am pleased to say that my eating isn't all that bad. I'm eating 5 meals per day, less if I choose the not so healthy foods. My body water has been decreased exponentially, so I've had to start drinking water on a more frequent basis. I know that water consumption should be second nature for an ugly bag of water such as myself, but for whatever reason I find it unappealing. Whenever I feel the need to intake fluids, I always go for alternatives like coffee, Gatorade, vitamin waters, or bottled teas. Despite what they may say about water being water, I truly don't believe that there is any adequate substitute for the real thing.
Drink water, people!
On the exercise front, I am most certainly pumping out quite a bit of sweat each day. As though my job wasn't laborious enough, I'm taking on more traditional exercises nearly every day. My treadmill is receiving quite the pounding (my knees share its pain), and in addition to my weekly hikes, I'm also performing select exercises in the P90X program.
What's that? Select exercises? Yes, I have been performing the P90X series of workouts selectively. While I do feel as though I'm gaining ground as far as strength and flexibility are concerned, I don't feel as though I'm actually doing the program itself. Since P90X is based on a strict period of time focusing on a strict selection of targeted workouts, if I don't follow the routine as I'm supposed to, it's as though I'm not following any program at all. To that effect, while I will continue to workout through the remainder of the year, I am restarting P90X on the 1st of Januray with a buddy of mine...and I have no doubt that the two of us will be more commited than ever before.
Now, onto the second matter at hand....
I will be doing only one more YouTube video for the duration of 2008. On Tuesday, December 23, I will be uploading a video of the Christmas variety. The title will be this: "'Twas the Night Before Christmas -- Do not open 'til Christmas Eve!" If you wouldn't mind, I would highly appreciate it if all y'all visited YouTube on Christmas Eve and shared this video with me, by either visiting my channel, clicking on the video on your homepage, or searching for the video title.
Though I will only be doing one more video for the year, you can rest assured that I'll pop out at least three more blog entries.
I hope the lot of you enjoy this weekend, and make good use of the time you have with your friends and family...or by yourself for a change. Happy happy, good people!
Much Love!
Suffice it to say, I've been gone from the blogosphere for awhile now...about 45 days, actually. It's also been over a month since I've uploaded anything on YouTube.
Yeah...I'm a slacker.
I'm back though, and while I would love to stay awhile and chat, I've only got enough time to make a couple announcements.
First of all, while I've been a little lax in my blogging and videography efforts, I haven't fallen off the proverbial wagon. Indeed, eating has been (as it has always been) a challenge for me. It seems the more active I am, the more I crave sustinance. Unfortunately though, the sustinance I usually indulge with is that of the junk food variety, be it cookies, cake, chips, or ice cream. In fact, I've got 1.5 quarts of Egg Nog flavored ice cream sitting in my freezer as we speak, and a bag of Hot Cocoa Creme flavored Hershey's Kisses sitting on the counter. For the most part however, I am pleased to say that my eating isn't all that bad. I'm eating 5 meals per day, less if I choose the not so healthy foods. My body water has been decreased exponentially, so I've had to start drinking water on a more frequent basis. I know that water consumption should be second nature for an ugly bag of water such as myself, but for whatever reason I find it unappealing. Whenever I feel the need to intake fluids, I always go for alternatives like coffee, Gatorade, vitamin waters, or bottled teas. Despite what they may say about water being water, I truly don't believe that there is any adequate substitute for the real thing.
Drink water, people!
On the exercise front, I am most certainly pumping out quite a bit of sweat each day. As though my job wasn't laborious enough, I'm taking on more traditional exercises nearly every day. My treadmill is receiving quite the pounding (my knees share its pain), and in addition to my weekly hikes, I'm also performing select exercises in the P90X program.
What's that? Select exercises? Yes, I have been performing the P90X series of workouts selectively. While I do feel as though I'm gaining ground as far as strength and flexibility are concerned, I don't feel as though I'm actually doing the program itself. Since P90X is based on a strict period of time focusing on a strict selection of targeted workouts, if I don't follow the routine as I'm supposed to, it's as though I'm not following any program at all. To that effect, while I will continue to workout through the remainder of the year, I am restarting P90X on the 1st of Januray with a buddy of mine...and I have no doubt that the two of us will be more commited than ever before.
Now, onto the second matter at hand....
I will be doing only one more YouTube video for the duration of 2008. On Tuesday, December 23, I will be uploading a video of the Christmas variety. The title will be this: "'Twas the Night Before Christmas -- Do not open 'til Christmas Eve!" If you wouldn't mind, I would highly appreciate it if all y'all visited YouTube on Christmas Eve and shared this video with me, by either visiting my channel, clicking on the video on your homepage, or searching for the video title.
Though I will only be doing one more video for the year, you can rest assured that I'll pop out at least three more blog entries.
I hope the lot of you enjoy this weekend, and make good use of the time you have with your friends and family...or by yourself for a change. Happy happy, good people!
Much Love!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Today Is A Sad Day For Many....
...But it is a GLORIOUS day for us all. Why? Because my man, Mr. Barack Obama, is the new President-elect of these United States of America!
The people have spoken, and though we have proven true our confusion and misguided beliefs, we have also proven that good things really can happen for those who want and deserve them badly enough.
Yesterday, November 4, 2008, the dreams of so many millions of Americans came true. Hope has been restored to this great nation as a new man was chosen to take command of our country. However, this man is no ordinary man. Barack Obama has made history by becoming the first person of color to achieve the status of President of the United States. Unlike so many before him, he has not served in any branch of the U.S. military, yet he is now the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. He is a relatively young democrat, rather new to the national scene. His familial roots are not that of wealth and prestige, yet he has managed to build a reputation of a man who is worthy of leading the strongest country in the world. He is clearly different from all others who preceded him, but none of these qualities alone are what make him the right choice. So what exactly does make him the man for the job?
His beliefs...or more specifically, his demand for change.
From civil rights to the state of our economy, Obama represents a chance for change in the way this country is run. While the current administration is spending so many billions to support a war and reconstruction in the Middle East, our own economy is suffering. Long-lasting mistakes made by the federal government have finally caught up with them. Credit card companies are tightening their belts, banks are going belly-up, prices across the market are skyrocketing, and long-standing businesses are taking their final bow. The only relief we've seen in the past several months has been the sudden and rapid decrease in gas prices, but even then the price of oil isn't a guarantee.
We need a change in the policies by which our country is run, and before yesterday, that change had yet to present itself. The government has initiated a bailout of troubled banks and has issued loans to credit card companies to assist in alleviating the credit freeze, giving those who rely on such credit to operate their daily lives with just a smidgen of breathing room. Apparently, this isn't enough.
Another stimulus package is in the works with the hopes of revitalizing the economy by handing out "free money" to the people. How is this supposed to be of any assistance when the last stimulus package failed so horribly? The debt of the American people has not been erased these past several months, so what will stop the recipients of such monies from paying down their debt as they did the last time they received it?
New ideas are what this country needs, and that is exactly what we would not be getting should another Republican war veteran be elected to office. Year after year, the policies by which our country is run has not changed. We have been digging ourselves into a deep, dark, and damp hole from which many of us believe escape is impossible. However, the infusion of someone new, someone different, someone with a vision shared not by the current elders of our nation, has given hope to the American people that the hole they've been forced to dig has found its bottom; that within the dark is shown a light, a light ensuring that the United States is once again destined for greatness and prosperity.
Another area to which change is needed are the civil rights of our people. Be they centered around gender, creed, or sexual orientation, civil rights have always been a focal point of our nation. Never has there not been some kind of discrimination towards one group of people. We as a species have worked so hard towards the ideal of peace and unity throughout the world, but try as we might, it is something that continues to elude us to this day. Events throughout recent generations have seen the progression of mans ability to love one another unconditionally, though we are not yet at the point where all mankind is allowed that love.
Even today, propositions were passed that excludes a group of people from enjoying the same rights as others, even though they are just as qualified (if not moreso) to be given the title of marriage. For too long, too many have lived in the shadows of discrimination. Despite the many intense battles for freedom in our very own backyard, bigotry and hatred still find their way to success. This too is in need of a change. How can a world function as one in a state of peace and prosperity when man finds it so difficult to love his brothers and sisters no matter who they are or how they live their life?
The election of Barack Obama as our new president is not just another step of our cultural evolution, but a symbol of hope for the future of mankind. I am proud of the change we have finally allowed ourselves to make on that historic Tuesday night, and I am confident that we will only continue to grow from here. It is my hope that this decision will prove most fruitful for us all, touching the lives of all people for years to come. It is also my hope that we will grow from this, learn from our past mistakes, and continue to work together for a better tomorrow.
Thank you to those who helped this man of change into office. The world is a better place with the likes of you as its citizens.
Peace and much love to all!
The people have spoken, and though we have proven true our confusion and misguided beliefs, we have also proven that good things really can happen for those who want and deserve them badly enough.
Yesterday, November 4, 2008, the dreams of so many millions of Americans came true. Hope has been restored to this great nation as a new man was chosen to take command of our country. However, this man is no ordinary man. Barack Obama has made history by becoming the first person of color to achieve the status of President of the United States. Unlike so many before him, he has not served in any branch of the U.S. military, yet he is now the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. He is a relatively young democrat, rather new to the national scene. His familial roots are not that of wealth and prestige, yet he has managed to build a reputation of a man who is worthy of leading the strongest country in the world. He is clearly different from all others who preceded him, but none of these qualities alone are what make him the right choice. So what exactly does make him the man for the job?
His beliefs...or more specifically, his demand for change.
From civil rights to the state of our economy, Obama represents a chance for change in the way this country is run. While the current administration is spending so many billions to support a war and reconstruction in the Middle East, our own economy is suffering. Long-lasting mistakes made by the federal government have finally caught up with them. Credit card companies are tightening their belts, banks are going belly-up, prices across the market are skyrocketing, and long-standing businesses are taking their final bow. The only relief we've seen in the past several months has been the sudden and rapid decrease in gas prices, but even then the price of oil isn't a guarantee.
We need a change in the policies by which our country is run, and before yesterday, that change had yet to present itself. The government has initiated a bailout of troubled banks and has issued loans to credit card companies to assist in alleviating the credit freeze, giving those who rely on such credit to operate their daily lives with just a smidgen of breathing room. Apparently, this isn't enough.
Another stimulus package is in the works with the hopes of revitalizing the economy by handing out "free money" to the people. How is this supposed to be of any assistance when the last stimulus package failed so horribly? The debt of the American people has not been erased these past several months, so what will stop the recipients of such monies from paying down their debt as they did the last time they received it?
New ideas are what this country needs, and that is exactly what we would not be getting should another Republican war veteran be elected to office. Year after year, the policies by which our country is run has not changed. We have been digging ourselves into a deep, dark, and damp hole from which many of us believe escape is impossible. However, the infusion of someone new, someone different, someone with a vision shared not by the current elders of our nation, has given hope to the American people that the hole they've been forced to dig has found its bottom; that within the dark is shown a light, a light ensuring that the United States is once again destined for greatness and prosperity.
Another area to which change is needed are the civil rights of our people. Be they centered around gender, creed, or sexual orientation, civil rights have always been a focal point of our nation. Never has there not been some kind of discrimination towards one group of people. We as a species have worked so hard towards the ideal of peace and unity throughout the world, but try as we might, it is something that continues to elude us to this day. Events throughout recent generations have seen the progression of mans ability to love one another unconditionally, though we are not yet at the point where all mankind is allowed that love.
Even today, propositions were passed that excludes a group of people from enjoying the same rights as others, even though they are just as qualified (if not moreso) to be given the title of marriage. For too long, too many have lived in the shadows of discrimination. Despite the many intense battles for freedom in our very own backyard, bigotry and hatred still find their way to success. This too is in need of a change. How can a world function as one in a state of peace and prosperity when man finds it so difficult to love his brothers and sisters no matter who they are or how they live their life?
The election of Barack Obama as our new president is not just another step of our cultural evolution, but a symbol of hope for the future of mankind. I am proud of the change we have finally allowed ourselves to make on that historic Tuesday night, and I am confident that we will only continue to grow from here. It is my hope that this decision will prove most fruitful for us all, touching the lives of all people for years to come. It is also my hope that we will grow from this, learn from our past mistakes, and continue to work together for a better tomorrow.
Thank you to those who helped this man of change into office. The world is a better place with the likes of you as its citizens.
Peace and much love to all!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday, Painful Wednesday
I realize that it seems as though I've been doing a lot of complaining as of late, but gosh darn it, when things just keep getting in the way of my master plan and this is the only medium by which to convey my feelings for them, then by gum it, I'm goin' to gripe! That being said....
Holy mother of the Gods! I'm in so much freakin' pain right now. I thought the pain I was experiencing on account of "the sickness, part 2" was horrible, but this new found pain is ridiculous. It seems as though "the sickness, part 2" is in retreat, providing me with a recurring sense of well being as far as my immune system is concerned. However, upon starting my shift on Monday night, something horrible happened...I threw out my ever-lovin' back!
The initial pain was incredible, sending a cold shock throughout my already sick body. I had to take it easy the entire night, keeping my movements slow and limited while still (somehow) getting my job done. It's crazy, because now I'm feeling sore throughout the back and in the abdomen. I had to use every back muscle possible to stabilize myself and keep my back in check, while making use of my abs to assist my somewhat weak knees in bending and lifting items that I probably shouldn't have been bending and lifting.
The pain is excruciating; I can't sit down without pain, and even then I have to be leaning back the entire time I'm seated. I can't stand up from sitting without pain, but once I am standing, it takes me a couple minutes to become fully erect. I can't even roll out of bed from a nice nap without immense pain, and yes, I mean roll out of bed. Since sitting up and kicking my legs over the side of the bed is out of the question, I now have to roll out of bed, finding myself on my hands and knees when all is said and done. I'm dreading going to sleep right now on account of the 10 minutes it's going to take for my back to adjust to lying down, but at the same time I know that once I'm asleep, that is the only point throughout the day when I will experience only a small amount of pain, if any at all.
Oh, and let's not forget to mention how unbelievably difficult it has become for me to wipe my own buttocks....
Why is all of this happening to me...and now of all times? I just want to be healthy, able to run when I want to run, hike when I want to hike, and do a mean jump squat when I want to do a mean jump squat. Yeah, I fell off the wagon for a bit, but as soon as I was willing and very much ready to hop back on, BAM!, I'm hit with a second sickness and blow out my back while in recovery. I freakin' hate the circumstance I'm in...I just want to go for a good run right now.
So that's my gripe for the week. I don't know when I'll be back on it, but as soon as everything heals itself up all nice and proper, you can bet I'll be letting all y'all know. Until then, always remember to take your vitamins, drink plenty of water, and lift with your knees, not with your back. Have a good one, everybody...for the both of us!
Much Love!
PS: Can you believe that it's already October? Does anybody know the number for the guy who controls the passage of time? I'm in the right mind to give him a swift kick in the ol' behind! Meh...Happy October!
I realize that it seems as though I've been doing a lot of complaining as of late, but gosh darn it, when things just keep getting in the way of my master plan and this is the only medium by which to convey my feelings for them, then by gum it, I'm goin' to gripe! That being said....
Holy mother of the Gods! I'm in so much freakin' pain right now. I thought the pain I was experiencing on account of "the sickness, part 2" was horrible, but this new found pain is ridiculous. It seems as though "the sickness, part 2" is in retreat, providing me with a recurring sense of well being as far as my immune system is concerned. However, upon starting my shift on Monday night, something horrible happened...I threw out my ever-lovin' back!
The initial pain was incredible, sending a cold shock throughout my already sick body. I had to take it easy the entire night, keeping my movements slow and limited while still (somehow) getting my job done. It's crazy, because now I'm feeling sore throughout the back and in the abdomen. I had to use every back muscle possible to stabilize myself and keep my back in check, while making use of my abs to assist my somewhat weak knees in bending and lifting items that I probably shouldn't have been bending and lifting.
The pain is excruciating; I can't sit down without pain, and even then I have to be leaning back the entire time I'm seated. I can't stand up from sitting without pain, but once I am standing, it takes me a couple minutes to become fully erect. I can't even roll out of bed from a nice nap without immense pain, and yes, I mean roll out of bed. Since sitting up and kicking my legs over the side of the bed is out of the question, I now have to roll out of bed, finding myself on my hands and knees when all is said and done. I'm dreading going to sleep right now on account of the 10 minutes it's going to take for my back to adjust to lying down, but at the same time I know that once I'm asleep, that is the only point throughout the day when I will experience only a small amount of pain, if any at all.
Oh, and let's not forget to mention how unbelievably difficult it has become for me to wipe my own buttocks....
Why is all of this happening to me...and now of all times? I just want to be healthy, able to run when I want to run, hike when I want to hike, and do a mean jump squat when I want to do a mean jump squat. Yeah, I fell off the wagon for a bit, but as soon as I was willing and very much ready to hop back on, BAM!, I'm hit with a second sickness and blow out my back while in recovery. I freakin' hate the circumstance I'm in...I just want to go for a good run right now.
So that's my gripe for the week. I don't know when I'll be back on it, but as soon as everything heals itself up all nice and proper, you can bet I'll be letting all y'all know. Until then, always remember to take your vitamins, drink plenty of water, and lift with your knees, not with your back. Have a good one, everybody...for the both of us!
Much Love!
PS: Can you believe that it's already October? Does anybody know the number for the guy who controls the passage of time? I'm in the right mind to give him a swift kick in the ol' behind! Meh...Happy October!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday, Sickly Sunday
So do you remember when on Friday I said that I was feeling good and things were going just fine? Yeah, if I were to revisit that Friday, I'm pretty sure I'd take several servings of Airborne...several help prevent what happened to me on Saturday and what is still happening to me today.
I said that I'd be doing this whole blog thing on a daily basis, and I said that I'd definitely be sticking to it this time. For those of you who read this on a regular basis (as regularly as I post), you may have noticed that I in fact did not update my blog on Saturday. The only reason why I'm doing this right now is to state two things:
1) Holy crud, am I ever sick! I just got over "the sickness" about a week ago, and now I'm sick again. What the frack is up with that? My skin is hot to the touch, my innards are freakin' freezing, I'm dizzy like the dickens, and the urge to purge is ever constant.
2) I experienced a few minutes where my appetite returned with a vengeance, and the mood struck me to order out for a delicious medium pan cheese lovers pizza. Unfortunately, since it has been 11 months of me successfully avoiding Pizza Hut (the best pizza in the world), the moment I was about to hit the "Order" button was the moment I felt a wave of guilt come over me. I really did want that pizza, but since the nausea returned with full force 10 minutes after making the decision not to order, I'd like to think that I made the right decision.
Suffice it to say that "the sickness, part 2" is preventing me from getting up and exercising. Unfortunate, but so is the case.
Alrighty then, I'm outtie yo! Do me a favor and hope that I'll find the urge to actually purge in the near future. I really need to get this out of me, whatever it is. Too bad I find it impossible to induce vomitting.
Have a great day week, all! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Much Love!
I said that I'd be doing this whole blog thing on a daily basis, and I said that I'd definitely be sticking to it this time. For those of you who read this on a regular basis (as regularly as I post), you may have noticed that I in fact did not update my blog on Saturday. The only reason why I'm doing this right now is to state two things:
1) Holy crud, am I ever sick! I just got over "the sickness" about a week ago, and now I'm sick again. What the frack is up with that? My skin is hot to the touch, my innards are freakin' freezing, I'm dizzy like the dickens, and the urge to purge is ever constant.
2) I experienced a few minutes where my appetite returned with a vengeance, and the mood struck me to order out for a delicious medium pan cheese lovers pizza. Unfortunately, since it has been 11 months of me successfully avoiding Pizza Hut (the best pizza in the world), the moment I was about to hit the "Order" button was the moment I felt a wave of guilt come over me. I really did want that pizza, but since the nausea returned with full force 10 minutes after making the decision not to order, I'd like to think that I made the right decision.
Suffice it to say that "the sickness, part 2" is preventing me from getting up and exercising. Unfortunate, but so is the case.
Alrighty then, I'm outtie yo! Do me a favor and hope that I'll find the urge to actually purge in the near future. I really need to get this out of me, whatever it is. Too bad I find it impossible to induce vomitting.
Have a great day week, all! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Much Love!
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's Friday, and for the First Time in a Long While, Things are Looking Up!
Happy Friday to the lot of you!
This is the first in a series of daily blog updates. For the next week, I'm going to be working incredibly hard to keep myself accountable in every way possible. It is no longer a secret that I've been doing some heavy slacking off, but as of last night, that all changed.
Since posting my last video on YouTube (, I have been receiving a lot of sympathy, consoling, pats on the back, and encouragement to get back on the horse. While words are not enough to thank the lot of you for the kindness you have shown me, it is that very kindness that is enabling me to keep on the path that I've been choosing as of late. Don't get me wrong, I know that you have nothing but good intentions, but when people try to be gentle with me, I tend to acknowledge that gentle touch as a form of acceptance of my behavior. Rather than responding to encouragement the way I should, I find it an excuse to continue eating poorly and not exercising.
No, encouragement will not do. What will do it then? Well, it seems as though at least two people know....
Last night, two of YouTube's undesirables (I say that in jest...kind of), Vaioarch a.k.a. Ronnie ( and HinesBrad a.k.a. Brad ( posted a video that helped to light a fire under my bum, a fire that I've been needing for quite some time. Seen here (, Ronnie and Brad are as blunt and honest as I could possibly hope for. Ronnie, who I was led to believe was even more sensitive than Big Gay Bradly, comes out swinging with harsh criticisms, one of the first words out of his mouth being "pansy."
I was and still am really motivated by what the two of them had to say. While there was talk by Brad about giving me an incentive to lose weight by offering to pay for a portion of a plane ticket to Dallas (concerning the next BFL Cruise), it was something that Ronnie said that really got under my skin. There was mention of the first video I did for the challenge that we're currently in. I had strapped on my 20 lb weight vest, clad in a sweater, carrying a backpack, and went for a 5 mile hike in 95 degree weather. Ronnie actually admitted to being a little intimidated by the gusto I initially showed, leading me to feel that he is actually a little disappointed by my lack of discipline and determination; I don't blame him in the slightest. While he and Brad went on to challenge me to drop the excess weight I have gained to get down to my initial body weight at the beginning of the challenge, Ronnie further added that he wants to see the Josh that went hiking with a weight vest, or the Josh that had once made a video where he threw away all of the junk food in his house in response to a previous challenge. It made me feel horrible that the Josh he was referring to was no longer present, and at the same time, it made me feel more motivated and determined than I've felt for a looooong time.
So boys, guess what? It's back on! I've only got 25 days left in this challenge, and I'm going to make the very best out of each and every one of them. Ronnie, the Josh you knew and want to see is no longer lurking in the shadows....
Much love to all of you beautiful people!
This is the first in a series of daily blog updates. For the next week, I'm going to be working incredibly hard to keep myself accountable in every way possible. It is no longer a secret that I've been doing some heavy slacking off, but as of last night, that all changed.
Since posting my last video on YouTube (, I have been receiving a lot of sympathy, consoling, pats on the back, and encouragement to get back on the horse. While words are not enough to thank the lot of you for the kindness you have shown me, it is that very kindness that is enabling me to keep on the path that I've been choosing as of late. Don't get me wrong, I know that you have nothing but good intentions, but when people try to be gentle with me, I tend to acknowledge that gentle touch as a form of acceptance of my behavior. Rather than responding to encouragement the way I should, I find it an excuse to continue eating poorly and not exercising.
No, encouragement will not do. What will do it then? Well, it seems as though at least two people know....
Last night, two of YouTube's undesirables (I say that in jest...kind of), Vaioarch a.k.a. Ronnie ( and HinesBrad a.k.a. Brad ( posted a video that helped to light a fire under my bum, a fire that I've been needing for quite some time. Seen here (, Ronnie and Brad are as blunt and honest as I could possibly hope for. Ronnie, who I was led to believe was even more sensitive than Big Gay Bradly, comes out swinging with harsh criticisms, one of the first words out of his mouth being "pansy."
I was and still am really motivated by what the two of them had to say. While there was talk by Brad about giving me an incentive to lose weight by offering to pay for a portion of a plane ticket to Dallas (concerning the next BFL Cruise), it was something that Ronnie said that really got under my skin. There was mention of the first video I did for the challenge that we're currently in. I had strapped on my 20 lb weight vest, clad in a sweater, carrying a backpack, and went for a 5 mile hike in 95 degree weather. Ronnie actually admitted to being a little intimidated by the gusto I initially showed, leading me to feel that he is actually a little disappointed by my lack of discipline and determination; I don't blame him in the slightest. While he and Brad went on to challenge me to drop the excess weight I have gained to get down to my initial body weight at the beginning of the challenge, Ronnie further added that he wants to see the Josh that went hiking with a weight vest, or the Josh that had once made a video where he threw away all of the junk food in his house in response to a previous challenge. It made me feel horrible that the Josh he was referring to was no longer present, and at the same time, it made me feel more motivated and determined than I've felt for a looooong time.
So boys, guess what? It's back on! I've only got 25 days left in this challenge, and I'm going to make the very best out of each and every one of them. Ronnie, the Josh you knew and want to see is no longer lurking in the shadows....
Much love to all of you beautiful people!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Smallville for the eyes, Italian sausage in my mouth, and a full body workout on my mind….
Yo-ha, Chicas and Bruddahs!
So here we be, restarting the blogging slash vlogging process yet again. I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it now, but with the slightest bit of luck and a whole mess of determination, I won’t be saying this anytime in the near future….
It’s been a couple weeks since I last did the tango that is writing my blog, and since then it has been nothing but pain and heartache. Unfortunately, I am the sole cause of it all. I can list all of the excuses I have for not eating well, exercising, and quickly gaining 13.8 lbs, but I would like to think that I have a little more pride and self-respect than that. I know that the blame lies in my corner, that it was the choices that I made which led me to where I am today.
I have two options for how I can deal with this…I can dwell on the idiotic mistakes and continue following the unhealthy patterns that I have revived, or I can embrace my mistakes, learn from them, reassert myself, and look forward to a future where I’m the healthy and fit man that I was always meant to be. While in the past I have always chosen the former option, I think it’s due time to choose the latter.
My first major workout is coming up at about 10:00, but right now I’m a little busy. Am I doing something that others would regard as important? No. However, I am doing one of the few things capable of lifting my spirits. What is it, you ask? Watching television. Mind you, it’s not just any television; it’s the CW Thursday night line-up. I’m looking forward to a brand new episode of Supernatural, but for the moment, I am whole-heartedly content watching a new episode of perhaps my most favorite show on network television. That’s right; I’m watching Smallville…in high definition, of course!
Dinner tonight is a most healthy choice. At current, between writing this blog and gazing upon the wonder that is Smallville, I am slowly consuming a Boca veggie Italian sausage link, cradled in a whole wheat hot dog bun, stuffed with some onions lightly grilled with cooking spray, and topped with a smidge of spicy brown mustard to moisten it up a bit. All in all, with a cup of Arizona Diet Peach Green Tea, it comes out to about 300 very healthy calories. I may still be hungry for more, so I don’t suppose it will hurt me all too much if I have a second one. After all, I’m due for some intensive working out in just a short while, and I can probably use all of the energy I can get.
Boy I tell you…never before have I multi-tasked in such a manner and been entirely satisfied!
I really want to get back to my show, so I’m going to wrap things up with a description of my workout. It’s going to be a full body one, incorporating all exercises from both my lower and upper body workout routines. With three sets of each exercise being performed, I anticipate the workout to take quite some time to complete. I figure that by eating about an hour and forty-five minutes before hand, I’ll be able to digest the food in time to endure the hour and thirty minute workout without becoming fatigued. After my workout, including everything from bicep curls and bench presses to deadlifts and jump squats, I’ll consume a whey protein shake including creatine and L-glutamine, followed up with a Gatorade chaser.
Sound good? It does to me. Let’s just hope that my current bouts of yawning don’t interfere with my plans for world domination.
I hope you all have a great evening…or morning…or afternoon….
Much Love!
So here we be, restarting the blogging slash vlogging process yet again. I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it now, but with the slightest bit of luck and a whole mess of determination, I won’t be saying this anytime in the near future….
It’s been a couple weeks since I last did the tango that is writing my blog, and since then it has been nothing but pain and heartache. Unfortunately, I am the sole cause of it all. I can list all of the excuses I have for not eating well, exercising, and quickly gaining 13.8 lbs, but I would like to think that I have a little more pride and self-respect than that. I know that the blame lies in my corner, that it was the choices that I made which led me to where I am today.
I have two options for how I can deal with this…I can dwell on the idiotic mistakes and continue following the unhealthy patterns that I have revived, or I can embrace my mistakes, learn from them, reassert myself, and look forward to a future where I’m the healthy and fit man that I was always meant to be. While in the past I have always chosen the former option, I think it’s due time to choose the latter.
My first major workout is coming up at about 10:00, but right now I’m a little busy. Am I doing something that others would regard as important? No. However, I am doing one of the few things capable of lifting my spirits. What is it, you ask? Watching television. Mind you, it’s not just any television; it’s the CW Thursday night line-up. I’m looking forward to a brand new episode of Supernatural, but for the moment, I am whole-heartedly content watching a new episode of perhaps my most favorite show on network television. That’s right; I’m watching Smallville…in high definition, of course!
Dinner tonight is a most healthy choice. At current, between writing this blog and gazing upon the wonder that is Smallville, I am slowly consuming a Boca veggie Italian sausage link, cradled in a whole wheat hot dog bun, stuffed with some onions lightly grilled with cooking spray, and topped with a smidge of spicy brown mustard to moisten it up a bit. All in all, with a cup of Arizona Diet Peach Green Tea, it comes out to about 300 very healthy calories. I may still be hungry for more, so I don’t suppose it will hurt me all too much if I have a second one. After all, I’m due for some intensive working out in just a short while, and I can probably use all of the energy I can get.
Boy I tell you…never before have I multi-tasked in such a manner and been entirely satisfied!
I really want to get back to my show, so I’m going to wrap things up with a description of my workout. It’s going to be a full body one, incorporating all exercises from both my lower and upper body workout routines. With three sets of each exercise being performed, I anticipate the workout to take quite some time to complete. I figure that by eating about an hour and forty-five minutes before hand, I’ll be able to digest the food in time to endure the hour and thirty minute workout without becoming fatigued. After my workout, including everything from bicep curls and bench presses to deadlifts and jump squats, I’ll consume a whey protein shake including creatine and L-glutamine, followed up with a Gatorade chaser.
Sound good? It does to me. Let’s just hope that my current bouts of yawning don’t interfere with my plans for world domination.
I hope you all have a great evening…or morning…or afternoon….
Much Love!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Anybody Up For A Power Block?
Happy Sunday evening to you!
Alright, I've got to make this as quick as humanly possible, which will be most challenging due to my most amazing ability to type 'til the cows come home. I'm already 4 minutes late for work (in super early today = out super early tomorrow!) which means that I absolutely must leave in 16 minutes. That's "Josh Time" for you!
Today marks the end of a very weak week and a most laxidaisy weekend. I thought not of working too hard during the week and believed that a weekend off would do me some good. Of course, I didn't really think this thing through, which means that I may very well be killing myself in this next week of rigorous workouts. That's right, I'm going at it full steam...this time not half-arsed!
It's time for a Power Block.
What's a Power Block, you ask? Simple. I've designed a three week routine that is meant to torture my very musculature, incorporating a little muscle confusion, varying exercises, differing workout days, and increased weights. Each week is different; Week 1 provides the base, working with weights six days straight, allowing the muscles to feel and adapt to the pain. Week 2 provides the teaser, compounding all exercises in a single day for three days of the week, throwing the body out of line and forcing it to readapt. Week three will provide the cap, splitting the exercises over the course of five continuous days, each day a different set of exercising in a Power Set routine. This is where the muscles get hit hard unable to adapt to yet another changing week and experiencing the most strenuous workout yet.
During this three week Power Block, I will incorporate a different cardio routine for each day, Monday through Saturday. Whatever the cardio will be, it will span upwards of 90 minutes and take place at least 12 hours after the weight training to prevent fatigue and conserve energy.
I'm slightly nervous about doing this, but I'm hoping it makes for a good primer for what's coming up afterwards. Fingers crossed!
That's all for now, folks. Thanks for checking in and have a great evening/morning/afternoon!
Much Love!
Alright, I've got to make this as quick as humanly possible, which will be most challenging due to my most amazing ability to type 'til the cows come home. I'm already 4 minutes late for work (in super early today = out super early tomorrow!) which means that I absolutely must leave in 16 minutes. That's "Josh Time" for you!
Today marks the end of a very weak week and a most laxidaisy weekend. I thought not of working too hard during the week and believed that a weekend off would do me some good. Of course, I didn't really think this thing through, which means that I may very well be killing myself in this next week of rigorous workouts. That's right, I'm going at it full steam...this time not half-arsed!
It's time for a Power Block.
What's a Power Block, you ask? Simple. I've designed a three week routine that is meant to torture my very musculature, incorporating a little muscle confusion, varying exercises, differing workout days, and increased weights. Each week is different; Week 1 provides the base, working with weights six days straight, allowing the muscles to feel and adapt to the pain. Week 2 provides the teaser, compounding all exercises in a single day for three days of the week, throwing the body out of line and forcing it to readapt. Week three will provide the cap, splitting the exercises over the course of five continuous days, each day a different set of exercising in a Power Set routine. This is where the muscles get hit hard unable to adapt to yet another changing week and experiencing the most strenuous workout yet.
During this three week Power Block, I will incorporate a different cardio routine for each day, Monday through Saturday. Whatever the cardio will be, it will span upwards of 90 minutes and take place at least 12 hours after the weight training to prevent fatigue and conserve energy.
I'm slightly nervous about doing this, but I'm hoping it makes for a good primer for what's coming up afterwards. Fingers crossed!
That's all for now, folks. Thanks for checking in and have a great evening/morning/afternoon!
Much Love!
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Man, His Gas, and a Milk Jug
Holy cow!
Today is Monday, which means that yesterday was Sunday, which means that by typing up this blog right now, and having typed one up yesterday, I am officially updating my blog two days in a row!
Who'da thunk it?
So yes, today is still Monday, and I am taking this sweaty opportunity to update my blog. Why? Because I knew I wouldn't do it after my shower. That's right...I'm sitting in my workout clothes, sweaty, stinkin', and feeling freakin' great. Before I go into detail about why I'm feeling great, let me talk about this problem I've been having today.
I'd like to talk to you about gas.
Yes, I know what those of you who watch my videos are thinking..."doesn't he always have gas?" You know what though? I don't always have gas. In fact, when I do, it's usually short lived. Today however, my goodness, I was farting up a storm all day long! Every other step I took, I swear to you another toot managed to escape from the confines of my butt cheeks! Every jump, every turn, ever plop onto the couch...TOOT!
I've been reflecting on what I ate that may have contributed to this rather irritating condition, but in the end, I came up empty. My diet isn't all too different from usual, and in fact has contained less fiber in the past few days than usual (which could explain the rather strong odor...tee hee). Without an explanation, there's no way I can anticipate when I'll have another day like today. Hopefully though, I won't be caught in a situation anytime soon where I'm in a crowd of people and I'm unable to hush up my butt!
Enough about gas though, let's talk about my milk jug.
"What's that you say? A milk jug?" Yup, my good ol' milk jug. You see, there is one thing I strive for after each upper body workout. When my workout is over and done with and it's time for me to load up on some good for ya protein, I break out all the ingredients and open the fridge to grab the milk. What I look for when I grab said milk is a feeling of complete and utter fatigue. I want to feel as though I'm not strong enough to lift even a jug of milk to make my protein drink. Then and only then do I feel as though I've worked my muscles hard enough to be satisfied with the hour I just took out of my life.
The same goes for lower body workouts as well. No, I don't lift a milk jug with my legs to make my protein drink, but I do strive for that fatigued feeling when lifting myself up the single stair from the garage floor to the hallway floor. Although only six inches in height, I know I've accomplished a great lower body workout if my legs feel super weak when I lift myself up that single step.
In case you couldn't tell, I just finished an upper body workout, one that I'm proud to say was rather awesome on account of my near inability to lift my milk jug. There was the slight distraction of having to fart every ten seconds when in the middle of a repetition, but I worked through it by concentrating on my breathing instead. I have a habit of trying to hold back my gaseous tendencies, but since I was in the middle of something, I just relaxed and let it all out. I've got to say, though the gas itself was rather irritating, I did enjoy the comfort of just letting it go for a change. Let's not forget the empty feeling after a nice fart...when I feel as though I can walk, run, jump, or plop with confidence, then I'm in a good mood!
Anywho, so I am super glad that I got in this workout, especially since I didn't think I was going to on account of having to work tonight (in about an hours time!). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get in a cardio workout what with having a handful of chores to do today, but I sense the urge to jump on the ol' tready as soon as I get home in the morning. Until then, kiddies, it's time for Unky Josh to go take a shower, rinse all of this sweat/smell from his over-worked body, and then head off to work. You, on the other hand, are lucky enough to get to sleep.
Yes, I'm jealous.
I hope all of you had a great three day weekend and have an even better week ahead!
Much Love!
Today is Monday, which means that yesterday was Sunday, which means that by typing up this blog right now, and having typed one up yesterday, I am officially updating my blog two days in a row!
Who'da thunk it?
So yes, today is still Monday, and I am taking this sweaty opportunity to update my blog. Why? Because I knew I wouldn't do it after my shower. That's right...I'm sitting in my workout clothes, sweaty, stinkin', and feeling freakin' great. Before I go into detail about why I'm feeling great, let me talk about this problem I've been having today.
I'd like to talk to you about gas.
Yes, I know what those of you who watch my videos are thinking..."doesn't he always have gas?" You know what though? I don't always have gas. In fact, when I do, it's usually short lived. Today however, my goodness, I was farting up a storm all day long! Every other step I took, I swear to you another toot managed to escape from the confines of my butt cheeks! Every jump, every turn, ever plop onto the couch...TOOT!
I've been reflecting on what I ate that may have contributed to this rather irritating condition, but in the end, I came up empty. My diet isn't all too different from usual, and in fact has contained less fiber in the past few days than usual (which could explain the rather strong odor...tee hee). Without an explanation, there's no way I can anticipate when I'll have another day like today. Hopefully though, I won't be caught in a situation anytime soon where I'm in a crowd of people and I'm unable to hush up my butt!
Enough about gas though, let's talk about my milk jug.
"What's that you say? A milk jug?" Yup, my good ol' milk jug. You see, there is one thing I strive for after each upper body workout. When my workout is over and done with and it's time for me to load up on some good for ya protein, I break out all the ingredients and open the fridge to grab the milk. What I look for when I grab said milk is a feeling of complete and utter fatigue. I want to feel as though I'm not strong enough to lift even a jug of milk to make my protein drink. Then and only then do I feel as though I've worked my muscles hard enough to be satisfied with the hour I just took out of my life.
The same goes for lower body workouts as well. No, I don't lift a milk jug with my legs to make my protein drink, but I do strive for that fatigued feeling when lifting myself up the single stair from the garage floor to the hallway floor. Although only six inches in height, I know I've accomplished a great lower body workout if my legs feel super weak when I lift myself up that single step.
In case you couldn't tell, I just finished an upper body workout, one that I'm proud to say was rather awesome on account of my near inability to lift my milk jug. There was the slight distraction of having to fart every ten seconds when in the middle of a repetition, but I worked through it by concentrating on my breathing instead. I have a habit of trying to hold back my gaseous tendencies, but since I was in the middle of something, I just relaxed and let it all out. I've got to say, though the gas itself was rather irritating, I did enjoy the comfort of just letting it go for a change. Let's not forget the empty feeling after a nice fart...when I feel as though I can walk, run, jump, or plop with confidence, then I'm in a good mood!
Anywho, so I am super glad that I got in this workout, especially since I didn't think I was going to on account of having to work tonight (in about an hours time!). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get in a cardio workout what with having a handful of chores to do today, but I sense the urge to jump on the ol' tready as soon as I get home in the morning. Until then, kiddies, it's time for Unky Josh to go take a shower, rinse all of this sweat/smell from his over-worked body, and then head off to work. You, on the other hand, are lucky enough to get to sleep.
Yes, I'm jealous.
I hope all of you had a great three day weekend and have an even better week ahead!
Much Love!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Yawn and Stretch, Stretch and Yawn...I Like Sleeping!
Good beautiful Sunday, everybody!
I woke up at 1:00 pm today after having enjoyed a 13 hour sleep. I neglected to sleep all day Saturday after getting home from work in the morning, which meant I was primed and ready to fall asleep at night. I pushed myself to stay awake to watch Jumper -- freakin' awesome movie, by the way! -- but come midnight, I was dead asleep.
Suffice it to say I didn't go for my run this morning, but considering that I received the news that I have tonight off, I am sooooo going running tomorrow morning. I figure I will try to do some cardio on the ol' tready followed up with a descent upper body workout tonight, get to bed after a mere 10 hours of being awake, and then wake up bright and early before the dawn breaks tomorrow.
As for days prior, I have continued on with this working out thing and gotten in several cardio workouts, including a 40 minute session on the tready at 3.5 mph, a 10% incline, and a 20 lb. weight vest. It seems that, for the moment anyway, an uphill climb on the treadmill is the most my shins can take. I'm working on strengthening them so I can handle my running sessions, otherwise they'd be killing me every time I made the attempt. Tomorrow morning will either bring me great delight or great pain, for when I get a shin splint, I get the worst shin splint possible.
My diet has been spot on for the most part, though I'm not pleased with my energy levels. Even though I've upped my calories, it seems as though I'm not getting the proper levels of my macro nutrients that I'm supposed to be. I'm dying to see a nutritionist who specializes in vegetarian diets, but I don't think I'm that desperate yet. This coming week of further "tweeking" my diet will tell of either success or failure, so keep reading.
I'm telling you, I hope this decision of mine to keep the scale locked away is a good one. I really do think that I do better without weighing in, but just like the running and the dieting, only time will tell if it's the right thing for me. Here's hoping!
I guess that's all I have to say for the time being. There isn't much going on in my life right now, though I can say that I'm reserving a segment of this weeks video for a little something seems Santa Claus came early this year. Until then though, I'm just going to keep doing what I do best...searching for the answers.
Have a great Sunday everybody, and have a fun and safe Labor Day! Thanks for reading...all y'all rock!
Much Love!
I woke up at 1:00 pm today after having enjoyed a 13 hour sleep. I neglected to sleep all day Saturday after getting home from work in the morning, which meant I was primed and ready to fall asleep at night. I pushed myself to stay awake to watch Jumper -- freakin' awesome movie, by the way! -- but come midnight, I was dead asleep.
Suffice it to say I didn't go for my run this morning, but considering that I received the news that I have tonight off, I am sooooo going running tomorrow morning. I figure I will try to do some cardio on the ol' tready followed up with a descent upper body workout tonight, get to bed after a mere 10 hours of being awake, and then wake up bright and early before the dawn breaks tomorrow.
As for days prior, I have continued on with this working out thing and gotten in several cardio workouts, including a 40 minute session on the tready at 3.5 mph, a 10% incline, and a 20 lb. weight vest. It seems that, for the moment anyway, an uphill climb on the treadmill is the most my shins can take. I'm working on strengthening them so I can handle my running sessions, otherwise they'd be killing me every time I made the attempt. Tomorrow morning will either bring me great delight or great pain, for when I get a shin splint, I get the worst shin splint possible.
My diet has been spot on for the most part, though I'm not pleased with my energy levels. Even though I've upped my calories, it seems as though I'm not getting the proper levels of my macro nutrients that I'm supposed to be. I'm dying to see a nutritionist who specializes in vegetarian diets, but I don't think I'm that desperate yet. This coming week of further "tweeking" my diet will tell of either success or failure, so keep reading.
I'm telling you, I hope this decision of mine to keep the scale locked away is a good one. I really do think that I do better without weighing in, but just like the running and the dieting, only time will tell if it's the right thing for me. Here's hoping!
I guess that's all I have to say for the time being. There isn't much going on in my life right now, though I can say that I'm reserving a segment of this weeks video for a little something seems Santa Claus came early this year. Until then though, I'm just going to keep doing what I do best...searching for the answers.
Have a great Sunday everybody, and have a fun and safe Labor Day! Thanks for reading...all y'all rock!
Much Love!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Great Googely Moogely!
I can't even begin to tell you how tired I am!
I honest to goodness was itching to hop online and post something new in this here blog thingamaggiger, but between work, working out, and feeling like complete and udder crud, I opted to get as much sleep as possible rather than do anything else.
As it turns out, I still need more sleep.
I don't know what exactly is causing this, but I have been experiencing a constant feeling of fatigue and disorientation. I was to the point of calling off workouts for the time being, but knowing how gosh darn hard it is to resume lifting once I stop, I decided against it. I have, however, temporarily discontinued my cardio sessions.
Unfortunately, not only have I postponed updating in this here blog thingamaggiger, but I've also been neglecting my YouTube vlog. I was supposed to post on Friday, but I opted to make Monday my new vlogging day. However, having developed this lethargic condition on Sunday while car shopping with my dad in extreme heat, I pushed the video to Tuesday since I needed to sleep on Monday.
Cut to Tuesday, everything is a GO to do a video, then it strikes me...I can't get my barrings. Every video I made (and boy howdy, did I make some videos!) turned out to be too long on account of the long pauses that I took, not to gather my thoughts, but to simply gaze into open space for no apparent reason. I was out of it, which led me to conclude the failed vlogging session and reschedule for today. There's just one problem though....
I didn't end up making one today.
Why? Well, after giving it some consideration, I've decided that Thursdays are to be my new vlogging days. Don't ask me why...I honestly don't remember my reason. Even if it takes every ounce of my will to do so, I will make certain that there will be a video available tomorrow at noon for all of you to see, and with any luck, I'll be feeling much better. So, feel free to check it out when you get the chance.
Now I know this blog is supposed to include specifics as to what I've done in days previous as well as what I've eaten, but considering the circumstances, I think I'll call it a day and leave you to enjoy what's left of yours.
I hope you all have had a very productive few days and manage to enjoy the rest of the week.
Much Love!
I honest to goodness was itching to hop online and post something new in this here blog thingamaggiger, but between work, working out, and feeling like complete and udder crud, I opted to get as much sleep as possible rather than do anything else.
As it turns out, I still need more sleep.
I don't know what exactly is causing this, but I have been experiencing a constant feeling of fatigue and disorientation. I was to the point of calling off workouts for the time being, but knowing how gosh darn hard it is to resume lifting once I stop, I decided against it. I have, however, temporarily discontinued my cardio sessions.
Unfortunately, not only have I postponed updating in this here blog thingamaggiger, but I've also been neglecting my YouTube vlog. I was supposed to post on Friday, but I opted to make Monday my new vlogging day. However, having developed this lethargic condition on Sunday while car shopping with my dad in extreme heat, I pushed the video to Tuesday since I needed to sleep on Monday.
Cut to Tuesday, everything is a GO to do a video, then it strikes me...I can't get my barrings. Every video I made (and boy howdy, did I make some videos!) turned out to be too long on account of the long pauses that I took, not to gather my thoughts, but to simply gaze into open space for no apparent reason. I was out of it, which led me to conclude the failed vlogging session and reschedule for today. There's just one problem though....
I didn't end up making one today.
Why? Well, after giving it some consideration, I've decided that Thursdays are to be my new vlogging days. Don't ask me why...I honestly don't remember my reason. Even if it takes every ounce of my will to do so, I will make certain that there will be a video available tomorrow at noon for all of you to see, and with any luck, I'll be feeling much better. So, feel free to check it out when you get the chance.
Now I know this blog is supposed to include specifics as to what I've done in days previous as well as what I've eaten, but considering the circumstances, I think I'll call it a day and leave you to enjoy what's left of yours.
I hope you all have had a very productive few days and manage to enjoy the rest of the week.
Much Love!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay....
Some things in life are easy to commit to, while others are seemingly impossible. For instance, I have no problem committing to watching Supernatural every Thursday night or taking a shower before going to work, but for some gosh darn reason, I simply cannot commit to updating my blog on a regular basis.
After several attempts -- several failed attempts -- at restarting the blogging process, I've decided to get serious about getting organized. My life, while not as busy or hectic as some, isn't very easy either. When the time comes when I have nothing I have to do or no place I have to go, I just want to kick back, turn on the tube, and relax. Though I do enjoy writing, there's something about putting my thoughts down on paper or typing them up into the world wide weberverse that makes me want to say "no" to the effort it takes to do so. I'm on the computer frequently enough watching great people do great things over on YouTube, so why can't I find the time to 1) remember to blog and 2) actually blog?
So here I am, making one last ditch attempt to get my thoughts out in the open so they can annoy someone other than myself. Today, on this rather warm August Sunday night, I vow to include this blog in the list of things I HAVE to do. It's not like I don't like blogging...I actually feel better after doing so. I hate when my thoughts get so crammed up in the ol' noggin that I start talking to myself.
Yeah, it gets that bad sometimes!
Now I know that those of you who see my YouTube videos are aware of my tendency to be just a slight bit long winded at times, so I hope you bear with me as these blog updates are sure to be just as long, if not longer. If you like hearing/reading what I have to say, then great, you're in luck! However, if you like gazing upon my handsome good looks while I speak (and really, is there anyone who doesn't?), then I'm afraid you're out of luck...unless, of course, you're not adverse to picturing my face while you read my thoughts.
So here we are then. we are.
{crickets chirping in the background}
Does anybody know where I'm supposed to start? 'Cause I'm about as lost as a fat man in a health food store!
Well, I guess we'll start with what I've been up to as of late. I don't want to go too far back, so let's start off with this past week.
After a disappointing weigh-in last Friday (8/15), I thought it best to reflect on what I was doing wrong and what I could do to improve my results. I took a break on Saturday from working out, and while I tried to eat as healthy as possible, I couldn't help myself...I had to cheat. Fortunately, I was wise enough to limit what I consumed, and while it was more than I wanted, it was far less than I could've had. Sunday saw another day without weight training, though the diet was more on target. When night fell, I decided to go for my 4-mile run. It was going well for the first 10 minutes, until the dreaded pain of a shin splint reared its ugly head. In excruciating pain, I finished only half of the course by walking with an awkward limp.
Monday through Thursday were repeats of the weekend, with no weight training, and unfortunately, no cardio. I did intermittent exercises in the spur of the moment, but nothing to constitute an actual workout. I kept on top of my eating throughout the week, but I know I could've done better. Overall, I'd call this past week a bust.
When the time came to do my weekly weigh-in video on Friday, I gave it a second thought and decided against it. While I did want to pop my head in and say a good "hello" to all my adoring fans, I opted not to because of my decision to kick the scale out of my video. We had a long talk, the scale and I, and we both decided that it was due time we split paths and went our separate ways. I made sure to let him know just how great a scale he was and how much I've relied on him in the past, but at the same time, he had to know that it was that very reliance that was holding me back. I still don't know why I've been maintaining/gaining weight when I've been working so hard to lose it, but the truth is that I've been letting the number on the scale control how I feel about my efforts. So from this point on, I will no longer be weighing myself, not just on a weekly basis, but for the duration of my fat loss transformation.
That being said, I had to give further thought how I'm going to gauge my progress and how I'm going to proceed to make that progression. I've toyed around with making a food journal to see if all is well on the nutrition front, and have said that I'd do so a couple times already, but I've found it hard to determine a starting point at which to journal my food intake since my days and sleeping schedules are so out of whack. However, I think I've solved that problem. All I need is a good routine that I absolutely must stick to, and I think I've created one. I don't like working nights and having to sleep during the day, but since that's my life at the moment, I have no choice but to embrace it and work my healthy habits around it.
As for the working out, I don't see how I can improve upon my exercising, unless I opted to include more cardio training. While I successfully completed an upper body workout on Friday (8/22), I tried my hand at running again this morning (8/24). Unfortunately, though an entire week has passed since I got my shin splint, I suffered a recurrence within the first 15 minutes of my run. Suffice it to say I was not pleased, as it was a bad way to start my day and put a hamper on the better part of the morning and afternoon.
Here I am though, ready to start a new week. I'm looking forward to the new routine I've set up for myself, though I can't say the same for all of the calorie counting that must be done. I'm sure it will all be worth it though. With any luck, by the weeks end, I should be able to determine if my calorie count is too low for all of the work I'm putting in, or if the macro nutrients are too unbalanced to support the muscle building I'm currently working for.
I have every intention of updating this blog every night this week, recapping what I've done and what I've eaten for the entire day. In the meantime, I've got a work schedule to adhere to!
If you've accidentally stumbled onto this blog and are interested in viewing my videos, or if you are subscribed to my YouTube channel and are wondering when my missed update will be posted, I assure all of you that the latest from the desk of TripleQ will be uploaded by tomorrow afternoon...sans the scale! Until then, I wish all of you a wonderful sleep and a magnificent week ahead!
Much love, you beautiful people you!
After several attempts -- several failed attempts -- at restarting the blogging process, I've decided to get serious about getting organized. My life, while not as busy or hectic as some, isn't very easy either. When the time comes when I have nothing I have to do or no place I have to go, I just want to kick back, turn on the tube, and relax. Though I do enjoy writing, there's something about putting my thoughts down on paper or typing them up into the world wide weberverse that makes me want to say "no" to the effort it takes to do so. I'm on the computer frequently enough watching great people do great things over on YouTube, so why can't I find the time to 1) remember to blog and 2) actually blog?
So here I am, making one last ditch attempt to get my thoughts out in the open so they can annoy someone other than myself. Today, on this rather warm August Sunday night, I vow to include this blog in the list of things I HAVE to do. It's not like I don't like blogging...I actually feel better after doing so. I hate when my thoughts get so crammed up in the ol' noggin that I start talking to myself.
Yeah, it gets that bad sometimes!
Now I know that those of you who see my YouTube videos are aware of my tendency to be just a slight bit long winded at times, so I hope you bear with me as these blog updates are sure to be just as long, if not longer. If you like hearing/reading what I have to say, then great, you're in luck! However, if you like gazing upon my handsome good looks while I speak (and really, is there anyone who doesn't?), then I'm afraid you're out of luck...unless, of course, you're not adverse to picturing my face while you read my thoughts.
So here we are then. we are.
{crickets chirping in the background}
Does anybody know where I'm supposed to start? 'Cause I'm about as lost as a fat man in a health food store!
Well, I guess we'll start with what I've been up to as of late. I don't want to go too far back, so let's start off with this past week.
After a disappointing weigh-in last Friday (8/15), I thought it best to reflect on what I was doing wrong and what I could do to improve my results. I took a break on Saturday from working out, and while I tried to eat as healthy as possible, I couldn't help myself...I had to cheat. Fortunately, I was wise enough to limit what I consumed, and while it was more than I wanted, it was far less than I could've had. Sunday saw another day without weight training, though the diet was more on target. When night fell, I decided to go for my 4-mile run. It was going well for the first 10 minutes, until the dreaded pain of a shin splint reared its ugly head. In excruciating pain, I finished only half of the course by walking with an awkward limp.
Monday through Thursday were repeats of the weekend, with no weight training, and unfortunately, no cardio. I did intermittent exercises in the spur of the moment, but nothing to constitute an actual workout. I kept on top of my eating throughout the week, but I know I could've done better. Overall, I'd call this past week a bust.
When the time came to do my weekly weigh-in video on Friday, I gave it a second thought and decided against it. While I did want to pop my head in and say a good "hello" to all my adoring fans, I opted not to because of my decision to kick the scale out of my video. We had a long talk, the scale and I, and we both decided that it was due time we split paths and went our separate ways. I made sure to let him know just how great a scale he was and how much I've relied on him in the past, but at the same time, he had to know that it was that very reliance that was holding me back. I still don't know why I've been maintaining/gaining weight when I've been working so hard to lose it, but the truth is that I've been letting the number on the scale control how I feel about my efforts. So from this point on, I will no longer be weighing myself, not just on a weekly basis, but for the duration of my fat loss transformation.
That being said, I had to give further thought how I'm going to gauge my progress and how I'm going to proceed to make that progression. I've toyed around with making a food journal to see if all is well on the nutrition front, and have said that I'd do so a couple times already, but I've found it hard to determine a starting point at which to journal my food intake since my days and sleeping schedules are so out of whack. However, I think I've solved that problem. All I need is a good routine that I absolutely must stick to, and I think I've created one. I don't like working nights and having to sleep during the day, but since that's my life at the moment, I have no choice but to embrace it and work my healthy habits around it.
As for the working out, I don't see how I can improve upon my exercising, unless I opted to include more cardio training. While I successfully completed an upper body workout on Friday (8/22), I tried my hand at running again this morning (8/24). Unfortunately, though an entire week has passed since I got my shin splint, I suffered a recurrence within the first 15 minutes of my run. Suffice it to say I was not pleased, as it was a bad way to start my day and put a hamper on the better part of the morning and afternoon.
Here I am though, ready to start a new week. I'm looking forward to the new routine I've set up for myself, though I can't say the same for all of the calorie counting that must be done. I'm sure it will all be worth it though. With any luck, by the weeks end, I should be able to determine if my calorie count is too low for all of the work I'm putting in, or if the macro nutrients are too unbalanced to support the muscle building I'm currently working for.
I have every intention of updating this blog every night this week, recapping what I've done and what I've eaten for the entire day. In the meantime, I've got a work schedule to adhere to!
If you've accidentally stumbled onto this blog and are interested in viewing my videos, or if you are subscribed to my YouTube channel and are wondering when my missed update will be posted, I assure all of you that the latest from the desk of TripleQ will be uploaded by tomorrow afternoon...sans the scale! Until then, I wish all of you a wonderful sleep and a magnificent week ahead!
Much love, you beautiful people you!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Day 1 of Blogging, Day 3,493,287 of My Journey
How's it going, my people?
So here we are then. I had every intention of starting this Blog on August 1, but gosh darn it, I just plum didn't feel up to it! I tried to do this huge, intricate, and very much complicating layout of what I planned on doing each day and updating with my progress as I did (or didn't) do it. Unfortunately, that lasted a total of one day, and after many attempts thereafter to streamline the "charting" process, I found that it was just too large a pain to deal with. So, against my judgement, I suppose I'm going to proceed with simply writing the blog in paragraph form like everybody else. So much for being original! Mind you, this is a blog...everybody's doing it right now!
After an incredibly disappointing weigh-in, totaling a loss of .8 lbs in the course of two weeks (after very much hard work and determination!), I have decided to move up my rest day from Sunday to Saturday. Yesterday saw a Starbucks beverage in the morning (after having a Starbucks on Friday!) followed by, unfortunately, a certain type of treat in the afternoon. While I am proud of what I've accomplished as far as discipline is concerned, I'm not proud of yesterday. Allow me to explain....
For those of you who have been keeping up with me for awhile, you know that I've managed to cut out some large contributors to my once bad health in an attempt to become a better me. Back in October, I did away with three things: SODA, fast food in gluttonous portions, and pizza. Well, one of those three things were reintroduced to my diet yesterday. Any guesses as to what that was?
Yes, I indulged yesterday in a medium cheese pizza from this wonderfully awesome Italian food joint known as Petrillo's. If you live in California (The San Gabriel Valley) then you may know what I'm talking about. This place is heaven, especially if you're in the mood for pizza. Well, I was, and yes, I feel pretty bad about making that choice. The bad news is that I stopped short by only a couple months of celebrating my one year anniversary free from quite possibly the main food-related reason for my ballooning up to 272 pounds at my heaviest. The good news, and yes, there is some, I didn't quite care for it! Mind you, this could count as the bad news as well, but I really didn't have the delicious experience that I was hoping for. The pizza smelled good enough, the consistency was spot on, but the taste isn't what I remember it to be. The oils seemed to really pop, which was unpleasant, and after only a few pieces I was already feeling full. I haven't felt full from anything in a long time, nor have I really experienced hunger, so to go from eating uber healthy to eating nothing but a Starbucks and some pizza, you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt and still do feel.
Can we put this behind us now? I just want to forget about yesterday. Today is a new day and I want to get back into the swing of it, whether I lose weight or not!
You might be wondering..."what does Josh have on the agenda for today?" My friend, I am here to tell you precisely that!
On the agenda for this hopefully wonderful Sunday, I plan on waking up several hours from now (why am I still awake?) at 8 am, slapping on some loose clothes, getting in a good stretch, and hitting the ol' home gym for a no doubt killer lower body workout (jump squats included!). After a day of carefully monitored clean eating at about 1800 calories, I will then finish off the day with an invigorating 4 mile run at 8 pm. Hopefully I'll have enough time after the run for a little cat nap before going to work at midnight!
I'll be back every day with an update on the previous day's progress as far as whether I've completed my workouts and how many calories I've consumed, in conjunction of course with my planned physical activities for that day. In the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed this little distraction and keep yourself busy with my vlog channel over at YouTube.
Have a great Sunday everybody, and thanks for tuning in!
So here we are then. I had every intention of starting this Blog on August 1, but gosh darn it, I just plum didn't feel up to it! I tried to do this huge, intricate, and very much complicating layout of what I planned on doing each day and updating with my progress as I did (or didn't) do it. Unfortunately, that lasted a total of one day, and after many attempts thereafter to streamline the "charting" process, I found that it was just too large a pain to deal with. So, against my judgement, I suppose I'm going to proceed with simply writing the blog in paragraph form like everybody else. So much for being original! Mind you, this is a blog...everybody's doing it right now!
After an incredibly disappointing weigh-in, totaling a loss of .8 lbs in the course of two weeks (after very much hard work and determination!), I have decided to move up my rest day from Sunday to Saturday. Yesterday saw a Starbucks beverage in the morning (after having a Starbucks on Friday!) followed by, unfortunately, a certain type of treat in the afternoon. While I am proud of what I've accomplished as far as discipline is concerned, I'm not proud of yesterday. Allow me to explain....
For those of you who have been keeping up with me for awhile, you know that I've managed to cut out some large contributors to my once bad health in an attempt to become a better me. Back in October, I did away with three things: SODA, fast food in gluttonous portions, and pizza. Well, one of those three things were reintroduced to my diet yesterday. Any guesses as to what that was?
Yes, I indulged yesterday in a medium cheese pizza from this wonderfully awesome Italian food joint known as Petrillo's. If you live in California (The San Gabriel Valley) then you may know what I'm talking about. This place is heaven, especially if you're in the mood for pizza. Well, I was, and yes, I feel pretty bad about making that choice. The bad news is that I stopped short by only a couple months of celebrating my one year anniversary free from quite possibly the main food-related reason for my ballooning up to 272 pounds at my heaviest. The good news, and yes, there is some, I didn't quite care for it! Mind you, this could count as the bad news as well, but I really didn't have the delicious experience that I was hoping for. The pizza smelled good enough, the consistency was spot on, but the taste isn't what I remember it to be. The oils seemed to really pop, which was unpleasant, and after only a few pieces I was already feeling full. I haven't felt full from anything in a long time, nor have I really experienced hunger, so to go from eating uber healthy to eating nothing but a Starbucks and some pizza, you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt and still do feel.
Can we put this behind us now? I just want to forget about yesterday. Today is a new day and I want to get back into the swing of it, whether I lose weight or not!
You might be wondering..."what does Josh have on the agenda for today?" My friend, I am here to tell you precisely that!
On the agenda for this hopefully wonderful Sunday, I plan on waking up several hours from now (why am I still awake?) at 8 am, slapping on some loose clothes, getting in a good stretch, and hitting the ol' home gym for a no doubt killer lower body workout (jump squats included!). After a day of carefully monitored clean eating at about 1800 calories, I will then finish off the day with an invigorating 4 mile run at 8 pm. Hopefully I'll have enough time after the run for a little cat nap before going to work at midnight!
I'll be back every day with an update on the previous day's progress as far as whether I've completed my workouts and how many calories I've consumed, in conjunction of course with my planned physical activities for that day. In the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed this little distraction and keep yourself busy with my vlog channel over at YouTube.
Have a great Sunday everybody, and thanks for tuning in!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008 -- It's my first blog!!!
Hello and welcome! As stated above and to your right, this blog is meant as a tool to keep me accountable for what I do during the course of the day to keep me in line.
I will post a new blog every morning, outlining the day with the activities I plan on doing (lifting weights, at home cardio, hiking, etc...) and the food I plan on consuming (calorie limits, planned cheats, etc...). Upon the conclusion of each day, I will add to that very same post with all that I accomplished and all that I've failed to do. Mind you, with my newfound determination and the overwhelming support I get over at YouTube, I wouldn't count on seeing much in the way of reported failures.
So, what'dya say we get on with it?
I will post a new blog every morning, outlining the day with the activities I plan on doing (lifting weights, at home cardio, hiking, etc...) and the food I plan on consuming (calorie limits, planned cheats, etc...). Upon the conclusion of each day, I will add to that very same post with all that I accomplished and all that I've failed to do. Mind you, with my newfound determination and the overwhelming support I get over at YouTube, I wouldn't count on seeing much in the way of reported failures.
So, what'dya say we get on with it?
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