Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today Is A Sad Day For Many....

...But it is a GLORIOUS day for us all. Why? Because my man, Mr. Barack Obama, is the new President-elect of these United States of America!

The people have spoken, and though we have proven true our confusion and misguided beliefs, we have also proven that good things really can happen for those who want and deserve them badly enough.

Yesterday, November 4, 2008, the dreams of so many millions of Americans came true. Hope has been restored to this great nation as a new man was chosen to take command of our country. However, this man is no ordinary man. Barack Obama has made history by becoming the first person of color to achieve the status of President of the United States. Unlike so many before him, he has not served in any branch of the U.S. military, yet he is now the Commander in Chief of our armed forces. He is a relatively young democrat, rather new to the national scene. His familial roots are not that of wealth and prestige, yet he has managed to build a reputation of a man who is worthy of leading the strongest country in the world. He is clearly different from all others who preceded him, but none of these qualities alone are what make him the right choice. So what exactly does make him the man for the job?

His beliefs...or more specifically, his demand for change.

From civil rights to the state of our economy, Obama represents a chance for change in the way this country is run. While the current administration is spending so many billions to support a war and reconstruction in the Middle East, our own economy is suffering. Long-lasting mistakes made by the federal government have finally caught up with them. Credit card companies are tightening their belts, banks are going belly-up, prices across the market are skyrocketing, and long-standing businesses are taking their final bow. The only relief we've seen in the past several months has been the sudden and rapid decrease in gas prices, but even then the price of oil isn't a guarantee.

We need a change in the policies by which our country is run, and before yesterday, that change had yet to present itself. The government has initiated a bailout of troubled banks and has issued loans to credit card companies to assist in alleviating the credit freeze, giving those who rely on such credit to operate their daily lives with just a smidgen of breathing room. Apparently, this isn't enough.

Another stimulus package is in the works with the hopes of revitalizing the economy by handing out "free money" to the people. How is this supposed to be of any assistance when the last stimulus package failed so horribly? The debt of the American people has not been erased these past several months, so what will stop the recipients of such monies from paying down their debt as they did the last time they received it?

New ideas are what this country needs, and that is exactly what we would not be getting should another Republican war veteran be elected to office. Year after year, the policies by which our country is run has not changed. We have been digging ourselves into a deep, dark, and damp hole from which many of us believe escape is impossible. However, the infusion of someone new, someone different, someone with a vision shared not by the current elders of our nation, has given hope to the American people that the hole they've been forced to dig has found its bottom; that within the dark is shown a light, a light ensuring that the United States is once again destined for greatness and prosperity.

Another area to which change is needed are the civil rights of our people. Be they centered around gender, creed, or sexual orientation, civil rights have always been a focal point of our nation. Never has there not been some kind of discrimination towards one group of people. We as a species have worked so hard towards the ideal of peace and unity throughout the world, but try as we might, it is something that continues to elude us to this day. Events throughout recent generations have seen the progression of mans ability to love one another unconditionally, though we are not yet at the point where all mankind is allowed that love.

Even today, propositions were passed that excludes a group of people from enjoying the same rights as others, even though they are just as qualified (if not moreso) to be given the title of marriage. For too long, too many have lived in the shadows of discrimination. Despite the many intense battles for freedom in our very own backyard, bigotry and hatred still find their way to success. This too is in need of a change. How can a world function as one in a state of peace and prosperity when man finds it so difficult to love his brothers and sisters no matter who they are or how they live their life?

The election of Barack Obama as our new president is not just another step of our cultural evolution, but a symbol of hope for the future of mankind. I am proud of the change we have finally allowed ourselves to make on that historic Tuesday night, and I am confident that we will only continue to grow from here. It is my hope that this decision will prove most fruitful for us all, touching the lives of all people for years to come. It is also my hope that we will grow from this, learn from our past mistakes, and continue to work together for a better tomorrow.

Thank you to those who helped this man of change into office. The world is a better place with the likes of you as its citizens.

Peace and much love to all!



Heather said...

I am just amazed that the US election process takes so long. Phewsh!

Vince said...

wow, that was a great piece of writing! I would hope that you are working for a newspaper or something, cuz damn, the incredible! Obama is the man!...I've been watching your videos for a while and have been losing my own weight( case you wanna check what im about out) Thanks for that great piece of writing!

Unknown said...

Awesome entry, man. It was an excellent day indeed!