Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potatoes Too Many!

How you doin', then?

Have you heard the news, folks? It seems as though I'm not quite what I seem. You see, I know I'm a right plump young chap, but for some time now, I've been thinking that I stood with a very certain amount of plumpness. Unfortunately, as I've come to find out on this very day, both you and I have been misled.

Here's the sitch:

About a month ago, I had lent my scale (Ol' Reliable, the best darn home scale in all the Milky Way) to my mom for use at her work for a little weight loss competition they were having. In Ol' Reliable's stead, I made use of a dust-covered dial know, those old antique things that don't have any purty flashing lights on 'em. Every time I stepped on the scale, I thought that I was approximately that weight, give or take a few pounds. I wasn't all too thrilled, but at the same time, I thought I was making progress. Unfortunately, that train of thought met its end this afternoon. You see, my mom had brought Ol' Reliable back to its home in the garage yesterday evening. Thinking I wouldn't weigh too much different on him than I did on the dial scale, I decided to weight myself on Ol' Reliable to gauge the difference between the two.


Yes, upon waking this afternoon, I stepped on Ol' Reliable and discovered my true weight. As it stands, here are my official stats as provided by what is unfortunately the most dependable home scale in all the Milky Way:

Age: 24 years, 11 months, 14 days, and a handful of hours, minutes, and seconds

Height: 5'10"

Body Water: 49.5%

Body Fat: 31.0%

Weight: 257.4 lbs. !

Just in case you didn't get that....

Weight: 257.4 lbs. !!

One more time, you know, to drive it home....

Weight: 257.4 lbs. !!!

Okay, now while I can live with the age and the height, the other three will absolutely not do! I honestly thought I was at 240 lbs. or below...never did it cross my mind that I was 17 pounds above. Naturally, the body fat would have to be that high, though I'm a little surprised it's not a bit higher. The body water though, well, that explains a lot. The human body is made up of 70% water, and if all I'm running on is around 50%, there's no wonder why I'm always dry, itchy, coughing, sneezing, and just not feeling so great all the time.

Brothas and sistahs, we've got some work to do....

It's been asked of me what my workouts and eating habits have been like over the past month or so...what I'm doing, if anything, to lose weight and gain health. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing all I've wanted to. For the past while, I've been suffering through various inconveniences and physical ailments, causing interruption after interruption in what I was hoping would be a new, healthy, not-so-worrisome routine. I wanted to start P90X on January 5th, but that never took off. As well, while I was aiming to eat near perfect for at least the first month of the new year, an askew schedule and complete lack of good sleep has led me to maintain a very poor diet.

I have in no way given up hope, especially since I've come across a few favorites of mine here and on YouTube who have discovered a renewed sense of discipline and determination. I am more motivated now than in the last couple months, and with things settling down, I am confident that I will now have the opportunity to at least start my new routine without any difficulty.

P90X is still the program of choice, though I will not be starting that until February 1st (why is it that the beginning of a month is so popular a choice when beginning something new?). Until that time, I will work at balancing my calories in a manner that supports a man of my size undergoing a routine to lose weight and build muscle. Also in preparation for P90X, I'll be working to build the endurance one finds necessary when doing such an intense program.

Though for only a couple weeks, it is my goal to work my muscles to the max through weight training and body weight exercises. Cardio will also be present, mainly in treadmill and hiking form. To that effect, I will continue with the weekly Friday morning hikes I've grown so fond of, though I may decide to kick it up a notch. For instance, if I have the energy tomorrow when getting off work (even if I don't), I plan on going for a pre-hike hike, providing a two day total of 10 miles up and down an unfriendly series of hills.

My mini goal, should I dare make one, is to scootch under the 240 pound mark by my birthday, January 31st. That would mean losing 17.4 lbs in 15 days. A little crazy, I know, but since a good portion of it will be water weight and my body will have been awaken from a dead sleep, I think it's attainable. Mind you, if I don't make it, I won't be down on myself. A little bummed, sure, but not disappointed.


Didn't I say I'd be posting more frequent, shorter blogs from now on? Sometimes I just don't realize when I type up a storm. Hope I kept your attention throughout! You guys mean more to me than you know. ;-)

I hope you are all having a very wonderful week and continue to find yourselves at peace for the duration.

As always, very much love to the lot of you!


PS: Anthony, I guess we're not as identical as we thought we were, eh?


Heather said...

Man! That bites! But I know you can turn it around!

Unknown said...

Alright Josh, that was definitely a boot in the ass...but in the right direction. You gotta take control now, and that means now. You ought to start P90X now, with me...on Monday. Just do your best, forget the rest, and keep going. I'm here for support. And trust me, the weight will begin to fly off soon enough. We are still alike, my friend. You are only a little more than me, and I was there not too long ago myself. But I need you to start looking out for yourself now, with me (and others) helping you all I can. Let's do this! Right now!

Talk to you soon, bro!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh!
Saw you commented on Ben's blog over at tumblr!

Well- it really stinks that you weigh so much more than you thought.. but... You will most definitely get that weight off in no time!
Don't Fret!! :D