Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008 -- It's my first blog!!!

Hello and welcome! As stated above and to your right, this blog is meant as a tool to keep me accountable for what I do during the course of the day to keep me in line.

I will post a new blog every morning, outlining the day with the activities I plan on doing (lifting weights, at home cardio, hiking, etc...) and the food I plan on consuming (calorie limits, planned cheats, etc...). Upon the conclusion of each day, I will add to that very same post with all that I accomplished and all that I've failed to do. Mind you, with my newfound determination and the overwhelming support I get over at YouTube, I wouldn't count on seeing much in the way of reported failures.

So, what'dya say we get on with it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Josh!
You have a blog now?
I just happen to come across the link on your YT Channel. How freaking awesome! Keep it up buddy, you're doing great. Your schedule confuses me but that's just because of the hours you work. I'll get a hang of it, I promise. :) Take care.